Tag Archives: parfait

14 Days of Zespri – Day 8

It’s day eight of the Zezpri kiwifruit challenge and today we’re being challenged to share our breakfast with you. I’ve never been able to stomach porridge, since I was a child I’ve always chosen muesli or granola over Pronutro or oats. My preferred way to eat it is with some plain yoghurt and honey. If there is any fresh fruit available that would be chopped up and added to the mix.

Kiwifruit, yogurt and granola parfait

These days I seem to skip breakfast more often than not and a cup of coffee at the office usually lands up being the first thing that passes my lips in the morning. Taking a little time to prepare a quick breakfast makes such a big difference to the rest of my day.

Kiwifruit, yogurt and granola parfait

Layering the kiwifruit, granola and yoghurt in a glass and calling it a parfait just makes it a little more special and really doesn’t take much more time than dumping it all into a bowl. I really need to make an effort and sacrifice ten minutes of warm bed time to make sure I’m starting my day off right.