Tag Archives: smile

14 Days Of Zespri – Day 2

It’s challenge day two and I get to show off this Zespri happy yellow kiwifruit lunchbox. If you are a regular reader of my blog you’ll know I’m a sucker for a cute lunchbox. With it’s integrated kiwi side cart and slot to store a spife, this one is pretty nifty.

Smiley lunch

I don’t know about you but this year the seasonal flu bug hit me hard. It’s been weeks since I had the aches and chills, but I still have a lingering cough. With a double dose of vitamin C when compared to oranges, if I’d had a stash of kiwifruit then I could have kicked the flu’s butt.

Today’s Lunch:

  • Three smiley ham and cheese sandwiches on brown bread,
  • carrots sticks,
  • sugar snap peas,
  • a little tub of plain yoghurt flavoured with chopped coriander and a little celery salt and
  • a green kiwifruit.

I made sure to pack a spife too, so I can eat the kiwifruit easily.